Arab Creators Award

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Who we are? Partners to turn the vision into reality

يُعتبر الأوسكار منصة رائدة تجسد أسمى معاني الإبداع والتميز، حيث يُحتفى بالإنجازات الإنسانية التي تلهم الأجيال وتروي قصص نجاحاتهم الإستثنائية. فهو ليس مجرد حفل لتوزيع الجوائز، بل هو تكريم لمسيرة العطاء والتفاني واحتفال بالإبداع الذي يترك بصمة خالدة في وجدان البشرية. ومن خلال تكريم الهيئات والمؤسسات والأفراد الذين أسهموا في إثراء مجتمعنا وكان لهم بصمة إبداعية في قيادة مسارات التنمية المستدامة، يواصل الأوسكار دوره في تحفيز الإبداع وتعزيز القيم الإنسانية السامية، عبر تسليط الضوء على المواهب المبدعة والقصص الملهمة.

About the Award
About the Award

The Oscars is a global platform that embodies the highest values of creativity and excellence, celebrating human achievements that inspire generations and tell stories of extraordinary success. It is not merely an awards ceremony but a tribute to a journey of dedication and commitment—an occasion that honors creativity and leaves a lasting imprint on the collective memory of humanity.

This prestigious award highlights individuals, organizations, and institutions that have enriched their communities through arts, culture, innovation, or humanitarian efforts, making it a symbol of motivation and excellence across various fields. The Oscars do not just recognize momentary achievements; they shed light on relentless efforts that drive positive and sustainable change, inspiring others to follow the path of success and innovation.

As a global stage reflecting the evolution of creative thought and societal progress, the Oscars continue to play a vital role in fostering talent, promoting noble human values, and showcasing inspiring stories that transcend time and cultures, serving as a guiding light for future generations.

Objectives of the Oscars Objectives of the Oscars

Enhancing the value of creativity and innovation in institutions by highlighting successful models and exceptional Arab achievements, while raising awareness of their importance in achieving sustainable development goals. It also aims to inspire and motivate young people to build a better future, strengthen the Arab creative identity, and support excellence across various fields.

Award Objectives
Award Objectives

The Arab Creators Award comes to take a leading position in the fields of science and creativity, promoting the concepts of competition and motivation, with the aim of encouraging individuals whose work has exceeded the boundaries of excellence, driving them toward further achievements that benefit society. Through this award, outstanding efforts and creative ideas across various fields are celebrated and honored, through the nomination of works, whether individual or institutional, provided they meet the specific criteria for nomination.

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Oscar CreatorProfile